Upcoming Seminar

If you’ve ever wondered what exactly the pelvic floor is and what exactly the pelvic floor does, come out to a free seminar I’m giving, hosted by the lovely people at GFC here in London.  It’s next Thursday September 17th at 7:00pm – bring a girlfriend and your questions, and discover all that your amazing pelvic floor does for you! To find out more or to register click here!  See you there.

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ibbie here!

Just a physiotherapist with a passion for birth, pregnancy, postpartum, and pelvic health…and apparently the letter “P”.

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— workshop for an involved & empowered birth —

The Labour Lab

Biomechanics & Birth.
Ready, Set, Push.

— workshop for an involved & empowered birth —

The Labour Lab

Biomechanics & Birth.
Ready, Set, Push.